join our family: emPloyee benefits.
Employee Benefits
Segovia Produce offers many benefits to its employees. We feel it is important to “treat” everyone the right way in order to keep “good people” around helping us with our ultimate goal: Customer Satisfaction!
We provide medical insurance to each employee at no cost to them. Dental, Vision, Disability, Life & Cancer is offered as a supplemental plan.
Each Employee that contributes to our 401K program, we match up to 4.0%.
As Company Profits permit, bonuses are distributed annually. This has occurred each year since 1972.
SEGOVIA PRODUCE, LTD | (Sick & Vacation) Policy
Years Employed Week Vacation# Vacation Hours Sick Hours Total
1-4 years 1 week (48) plus 48 96 hours
5-9 years 2 weeks (96) plus 48 144 hours
10-more 3 weeks (144) plus 48 192 hours
Employees are paid time and one half after 40 hours and paid 8 hours on major holidays when we are closed.